2014年7月4日 星期五

Andrea Fung-----------《Presence》

馮曉楠 | Presence| 2014 | 混合媒介 | 尺寸不定 | 片長 2分鐘29

馮曉楠 | Presence| 2014 | 混合媒介 | 尺寸不定 | 片長 2分鐘29

馮曉楠 | Presence| 2014 | 混合媒介 | 尺寸不定 | 片長 2分鐘29

馮曉楠 | Presence| 2014 | 混合媒介 | 尺寸不定 | 片長 2分鐘29

馮曉楠 | Presence| 2014 | 混合媒介 | 尺寸不定 | 片長 2分鐘29

馮曉楠 | Presence| 2014 | 混合媒介 | 尺寸不定 | 片長 2分鐘29


               網絡空間已經佔了我們生活的一大部分,此時人類同時經驗於兩個截然不同的世界之中:物理世界和虛擬世界。網絡空間使人類的身體突破了物理空間的限制,並對於空間一詞有了一個新的定義。在這個空間之中,人類在電腦中的視覺效果、建構等可以發揮無限的想像力。雖然網絡空間的存在是需要物理空間的支援,但人與人間的互動是異於物理空間,在這個空間之中我們可以同時與多人對話,甚至可以隨意在這個空間跳躍。然而這種似近還遠的感覺真的可以代替人與人間的物理接觸嗎? 那麼我們在這個空間中又能否拍攝?

                 Because of the advancement of technology, development of the internet and the penetration of electronic gadgets, our life seems inseparable from the Cyberspace.  Our daily communication within a family or other social network has become more and more virtual via messaging applications.  This brings me an interest towards connecting photography and mobile messaging applications.

                 We are living in the Cyberspace in a large portion of our time. In this moment/ at this point/ in this Century, human are experiencing two different worlds: the physical world and the virtual world. Cyberspace enables the human body to break the limitations of a physical world, and realise a new definition of "Space". In the Cyberspace, human can further his imagination uninhibitedly through visual effects available in a computer. Although we need the physical world to maintain the presence of cyberspace, the interaction among people is different from the physical world. We can dialogue with multiple parties at the same time in this cyberspace. But can we totally replace  physical communication by cyber connection? Can we capture picture in this space?



馮曉楠於1992年在香港出生。馮2014年畢業於香港藝術學院高級文憑。在 2009年,她成為其中一位由香港藝術發展局主辦的藝術大使。 在2011年,她贏得了國際學生視覺藝術創作大賽攝影比賽一等獎。2012年,她得到了香港傑出視覺藝術學生創作獎。

Andrea Fung was born in Hong Kong in 1992.  She received her Higher Diploma of Arts in Fine Art from Hong Kong Art School. In 2009, she was appointed as an ambassador of art by the Hong Kong Arts Development Council. In 2011, she won the International Students' Visual Arts Contest Photo Contest prize. In 2012, she was awarded the Hong Kong Outstanding Visual Arts Student prize in creativity.

She wishes to share her thinkings and emotions to audience by realising various concepts into artworks. On the other hand, the creation of artworks brings her repercussions in different aspects of life. Her works focus on exploring the interrelation between herself and the surroundings, as well as a channel for exploring the World.

