2014年5月5日 星期一

Iriz Kwong--------《睡火山》

《睡火山》| 2014 | 攝影 | 彩色噴墨打印 | 21 x 31cm  

《睡火山》| 2014 | 攝影 | 彩色噴墨打印 | 21 x 31cm  

《睡火山》| 2014 | 攝影 | 彩色噴墨打印 | 21 x 31cm  

《睡火山》| 2014 | 攝影 | 彩色噴墨打印 | 21 x 31cm  

《睡火山》| 2014 | 攝影 | 彩色噴墨打印 | 21 x 31cm  

《睡火山》| 2014 | 攝影 | 彩色噴墨打印 | 21 x 31cm  



親密關係包含犧牲與妥協, 要達到此種關係,必須靠青年期所獲得的認定感
                  -心理學家Erik Erikson曾於人生八階理論這樣提及過



期待破繭而出的一刻. . . . . .

If people cannot form intimate relationships - perhaps because of their own needs ,a sense of isolation may result.”-Erik Erikson.

The desperation for the opposite gender,

The impact from the surrounding ,

The confusion that doesn’t set off,

The expecting moment to break through……


鄺嘉瑜,就讀於香港藝術學,為本地高級文憑純藝術課程,主修攝影之藝術學生,喜歡創新沖擊,擴闊視野。曾獲機會到國家首都北京及珠 海交流,也曾走訪新加坡丶英文丶日本等不同國家見識當地文化,透過啟發思維及不斷的嘗試,從而造出獨特的攝影作品,續漸邁向一個屬於自己的攝影新世界

riz Kwong, a High-Dip student of Hong Kong Art School,studies Photography as her major subject. As it has always been her aspiration to become a successful artist, she has to widen her horizon in order to strengthen her creativity. So she played an active part in joining different kinds of exchange programmes. She was offered a chance to travel to places like Beijing and Zhuhai. She has also made visits to Singapore,Japan, England and Thailand.This has not only given her chances to understand more about the civilization of the motherland, but also inspired a lot about art creation. Iriz’s final destination is to explore a new Photography World for herself and she is now walking closer to it.


