2014年5月2日 星期五


羅偉良|  << 序 .>>   |2014  | 黑白噴墨打印  | 33.4 × 28.067 寸

羅偉良|  << 序 .>>   |2014  | 黑白噴墨打印  | 33.4 × 28.067 寸

羅偉良|  << 序 .>>   |2014  | 黑白噴墨打印  | 33.4 × 28.067 寸

殺手、浪人、調酒師,三種不同的性格相遇,為往後的故事掀開序幕 ; 但似乎唯一接觸過他們的只有攝影師一人。



They never met. Yet, they are the story.

Three different characters of a killer, a wanderer, a bartender are encountered by one photographer. The only person who talks and understands the three individuals separately.

From the angle of the camera, I present the photos as a preface of their story and my response to the three characters.


羅偉良 WaiLeung Law。本地藝術學生。現就讀於香港藝術學院、高級文憑純藝術課程,主修攝影。喜歡探索事物根源,並將自己想法注入其當中,以進行回應和反思。認為攝影提供新角度看待世界,能真實反映社會、了解事物的真確、同時也能展現未知與神秘。透過藝術創作訓練思考,分析及解決問題的能力,提高創意,豐富人生。

LAW Wai Leung, a local art student, studies the Higher Diploma in Fine Arts, majoring in Photography at Hong Kong Art School. He likes to explore the essence of an object, an emotion, or a phenomenon, coloring it with his own ideas as a response and a reflection. He believes that Photography provides new angles to view the world, to reflect the social reality and the truth while it also presents the unknown and the mystery. The ability of critical thinking, analyzing, and problem solving can be trained by art creation to lead a creative and fruitful life.

